【what grit is a magic eraser】How Does Duluth Holdings's (NASDAQ:DLTH) P/E Compare To Its Industry, After The Share Price Drop?

 人参与 | 时间:2024-09-29 12:20:29

To the annoyance of some shareholders,what grit is a magic eraser

Duluth Holdings

【what grit is a magic eraser】How Does Duluth Holdings's (NASDAQ:DLTH) P/E Compare To Its Industry, After The Share Price Drop?


【what grit is a magic eraser】How Does Duluth Holdings's (NASDAQ:DLTH) P/E Compare To Its Industry, After The Share Price Drop?


【what grit is a magic eraser】How Does Duluth Holdings's (NASDAQ:DLTH) P/E Compare To Its Industry, After The Share Price Drop?

) shares are down a considerable 33% in the last month. And that drop will have no doubt have some shareholders concerned that the 75% share price decline, over the last year, has turned them into bagholders. What is a bagholder? It is a shareholder who has suffered a bad loss, but continues to hold indefinitely, without questioning their reasons for holding, even as the losses grow greater.

Assuming nothing else has changed, a lower share price makes a stock more attractive to potential buyers. While the market sentiment towards a stock is very changeable, in the long run, the share price will tend to move in the same direction as earnings per share. The implication here is that long term investors have an opportunity when expectations of a company are too low. One way to gauge market expectations of a stock is to look at its Price to Earnings Ratio (PE Ratio). A high P/E ratio means that investors have a high expectation about future growth, while a low P/E ratio means they have low expectations about future growth.

See our latest analysis for Duluth Holdings

Does Duluth Holdings Have A Relatively High Or Low P/E For Its Industry?

Duluth Holdings's P/E of 12.12 indicates relatively low sentiment towards the stock. The image below shows that Duluth Holdings has a lower P/E than the average (26.8) P/E for companies in the online retail industry.

NasdaqGS:DLTH Price Estimation Relative to Market, March 10th 2020

This suggests that market participants think Duluth Holdings will underperform other companies in its industry. Many investors like to buy stocks when the market is pessimistic about their prospects. If you consider the stock interesting, further research is recommended. For example, I often monitor

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How Growth Rates Impact P/E Ratios

Companies that shrink earnings per share quickly will rapidly decrease the 'E' in the equation. Therefore, even if you pay a low multiple of earnings now, that multiple will become higher in the future. Then, a higher P/E might scare off shareholders, pushing the share price down.

Duluth Holdings saw earnings per share decrease by 32% last year. And it has shrunk its earnings per share by 4.6% per year over the last five years. This might lead to muted expectations.

A Limitation: P/E Ratios Ignore Debt and Cash In The Bank

The 'Price' in P/E reflects the market capitalization of the company. That means it doesn't take debt or cash into account. The exact same company would hypothetically deserve a higher P/E ratio if it had a strong balance sheet, than if it had a weak one with lots of debt, because a cashed up company can spend on growth.

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Such expenditure might be good or bad, in the long term, but the point here is that the balance sheet is not reflected by this ratio.

How Does Duluth Holdings's Debt Impact Its P/E Ratio?

Duluth Holdings's net debt is 63% of its market cap. This is a reasonably significant level of debt -- all else being equal you'd expect a much lower P/E than if it had net cash.

The Bottom Line On Duluth Holdings's P/E Ratio

Duluth Holdings's P/E is 12.1 which is below average (15.1) in the US market. When you consider that the company has significant debt, and didn't grow EPS last year, it isn't surprising that the market has muted expectations. What can be absolutely certain is that the market has become significantly less optimistic about Duluth Holdings over the last month, with the P/E ratio falling from 18.2 back then to 12.1 today. For those who don't like to trade against momentum, that could be a warning sign, but a contrarian investor might want to take a closer look.

Investors have an opportunity when market expectations about a stock are wrong. If it is underestimating a company, investors can make money by buying and holding the shares until the market corrects itself. So this


visualization of the analyst consensus on future earnings

could help you make the

right decision

about whether to buy, sell, or hold.

But note:

Duluth Holdings may not be the best stock to buy

. So take a peek at this


list of interesting companies with strong recent earnings growth (and a P/E ratio below 20).

If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at

[email protected]

. This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.

We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading.

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